ThisisthefirsttransmissiononbehalfofMoY.Wearemaking a fisrtattemptofarticulatingthe projectandexposingthevariousconnectionsthatweareperceiving.Thediagramreferstothefollowingtransmissionsaslinks.
DISONANCIAS is a platform that liaises and promotes relationships between artists and companies, research centres or public organisations in order to foster innovation in all its aspects and transmit to society the importance of developing creative environments.
GTD Ingeniera de Sistemas y Software GTD is one of the most important European companies in terms of systems and software engineering in business sectors such as space, aeronautics, energy and science.
MO Y Katerina Chryssanthopoulou &Benoît Durandin live and work in Athens. They invest fields of architecture, arts and sciences with the aim to develop hybrid and crossover practices. They founded Mo Y laboratory in 2007 to experiment, put in application and push forward researches in architecture.
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